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Marine Engineering Series: Design of Marine Engineering Systems in Ship Concept Design

Marine Engineering Series: Design of Marine Engineering Systems in Ship Concept Design

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Prof. Brown presents a rigorous approach to the integrated conceptual design of distributed mechanical, electrical and fluid marine engineering systems during the conceptual design of complex warship ...

$40.00 - Marine Engineering Series: Design of Marine Engineering Systems in Ship Concept Design- List Price

$20.00 - Marine Engineering Series: Design of Marine Engineering Systems in Ship Concept Design- Student Price

$20.00 - Marine Engineering Series: Design of Marine Engineering Systems in Ship Concept Design- Student Price

$30.00 - Marine Engineering Series: Design of Marine Engineering Systems in Ship Concept Design- Member Price

Number of pages:48
Year published:2020
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The newly revised edition of this material contains significant improvements and updates.
Marine Engineering system design is an integral part of ship design and must be considered, even in early ship design stages, at a sufficient level of detail for making design decisions. Understanding marine engineering systems in the context of the total ship is an important starting point for understanding marine engineering in general and this is the primary objective of this first chapter. From a functional point of view, a ship is one of the most complex vehicles known to man. It must perform its missions reliably in a hostile environment for extended periods, usually with a crew onboard, safely transported inside a large watertight moving box. To accomplish this, ships have a greater variety of systems and collectively must perform more internal and external functions than most any other vehicle. 
Among other systems engineering methods, network-based design approaches and optimization have the potential to identify affordable and effective feasible solutions early in the design process. A network-based architecture approach for marine engineering system design is presented in this chapter. 
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