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Elements of Ocean Engineering

Elements of Ocean Engineering

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Quick Overview:
Ocean Engineering is simply defined as the application of engineering principles to the ocean environment. Ocean engineering is a very challenging field addressing the use of this vast ocean frontier ...

$110.00 - Elements of Ocean Engineering - List Price

$75.00 - Elements of Ocean Engineering - Member Price

$75.00 - Elements of Ocean Engineering - Member Price

Number of pages:427
Year published:2010
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Ocean Engineering is simply defined as the application of engineering principles to the ocean environment. Ocean engineering is a very challenging field addressing the use of this vast ocean frontier while striving to protect the same ocean environment and marine life. The book “Elements of Ocean Engineering” is intended for use as a first course for ocean engineering and naval architecture students and as an overview for practitioners in ocean engineering and related fields. The topics covered include ocean wave mechanics, offshore and coastal applications, floating systems, underwater systems, ocean engineering materials, instrumentation, underwater acoustics, dredging, laboratory modeling, environment and safety, and ocean engineering design. Robert Randall is Professor of Ocean Engineering in the Civil Engineering Department of Texas A&M University.
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